Literaleigh, Writing

Day 6 #introtopoetry

Prompt:  Screens

Device :  Enjambment  (don’t know what this is? – I didn’t either. It means splitting a sentence or clause over line-break with no end punctuation eg comma.)

2D life

Tablet threatens

To touch your nose.


To dewdrops on the rose.

Ears plugged,

Phone pinging.screen burst poem


To magpie’s dawn singing.

2D monsters swim

Before your eyes.


Lightning crack stormy skies.

Hit like. 800 friends you

Do not know.


How conversations flow.

Eat with family,

Head bent.


Ask how their day went.

Feeling lost and blue,

Screen friends


Hug you.

4 thoughts on “Day 6 #introtopoetry”

  1. It is very strange exercise. I kept looking at my book spines and kept coming back to “What’s happening to my body? ” But the rest of the books don’t give very satisfactory answers. In the end I decided to pick words at set intervals from a book I have on tea. Then rearrange them. That way at least some words should be to do with flavour.


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